We love kids!  And they love our church!  We're excited to see God working in the next generation.  Our kids ministry is called G & O RAILROAD—which focuses on loving God & Others with all your heart (Matthew 22:37-39).  We've created irresistible, age-specific environments for nursery, toddlers, and preschool (in all three services) and Kindergarten through 5th grade (in both our 9:00am and 10:30am services).  Kids pull their parents out of bed on Sunday morning because they don't want to miss it!  There's music, skits, Bible stories, games, crafts, train whistles & more.


Our TRACK45 group meets every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Rally Room in our main building.  It's a great first transition from kids ministry to youth ministry for these kids.  Lots of games, contests, Bible study, Scripture memory, wild & crazy activities, and more.  Yes, we can be silly, and still serious about our faith at the same time... and we prove it!  Contact our leader, DYLAN DILLY, with any questions.    


Our annual KIDS CAMP challenges and excites kids five-years-old to fifth grade.  In 2021, we experienced the Old West... even riding a mechanical bull.  In 2022, we brought first responders in (police, sheriffs, fire, EMT's, search & rescue, army, marines) for the kids to meet personally, honor their service, and climb all over their big toys.  In 2023, we were on the high C's in our amazing clipper ship.  In 2024, we were at the circus with lots of incredible acts!  Our planning for our 2025 camp is already underway!  Save the dates: Monday, June 23 thru Friday, June 27 (9am to noon daily).

For more information about anything related to kids, contact our G & O Railroad Pastor, DYLAN DILLY

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