Disaster Relief Items Needed

Bottled Water is one of the greatest needs


Child Care

•       Baby formula and bottles

•       Diapers all sizes

•       New baby onesies

•       Pull-ups

•       Diaper rash cream

•       Baby wipes

•       Baby food

•       Baby Tylenol

•       Toddler size T-shirts and stretchy pants

•       Pack n Plays

•       Coloring books, crayons, markers, stickers, card games


Personal Hygiene

•       Sanitizing wipes, hand cleaning wipes, etc.

•       Dry shampoo and bath Wipes

•       Basic women’s hygiene, especially pads and tampons


Personal Care

•       Towels, wash cloths

•       Liquid hand soap

•       Hand sanitizer

•       Toothpaste

•       Deodorant

•       Body wash

•       Shampoo

•       Shaving cream / razors

•       Adult size diapers


Non Perishable Food Items

•       canned foods of all types that do not necessarily require cooking to eat (vegetables, fruits, puddings, soups, ready-to-eat foods, etc.), simple can-openers

•       dry foods all types (cereals, crackers, chips (individual variety packs are good), snack food bars, miscellaneous snacks, cookies, etc.)

•       fruit juices, vegetable juices, juice boxes, any healthy beverages in general


Miscellaneous suggestions

•       Charcoal for outdoor cooking

•       New empty gas cans

•       Pet food / crates

•      Generators, extension cords